
Sealcoating Your Asphalt Driveway

Sealcoating helps prolong the lifespan of asphalt at a fraction of the cost of new pavement. It also gives a fresh black appearance that enhances curb appeal and makes the property look well-maintained.


It provides a barrier against oil, fuel, and chemical substances that soften and degrade the asphalt. It also reduces the amount of traffic that causes cracks. Visit to learn more.

As summer turns to fall, it’s time for us at Maul to start getting our crews out and seal coating asphalt. This is an important service for commercial parking lots and residential driveways. A quality seal coat restores sun-bleached pavement to its original black appearance, fills small surface cracks, and gives your property a fresh new look. It’s also a good way to protect your investment and keep your asphalt in good condition for another year or two.

When it comes to the application of a seal coat, there are two main methods: brushing and spraying. A conscientious, experienced sealcoating contractor can get excellent results using either method. It’s more a matter of choice and the individual needs of each customer.

In general, spray applications work better for large areas because they can cover more ground in a shorter amount of time. However, there’s a risk that the crew may miss spots or apply an application that’s too thin. This could lead to problems later on, such as peeling or flaking.

On the other hand, squeegees allow for more precision and can force the sealant into surface cracks or voids. This can result in a higher-quality finish and even coverage of larger surfaces. However, it’s important that your driveway or parking lot is prepared for the application process. You’ll need to remove all vehicles from the area and shut down any sprinkler systems. The pavement should also be free of any dirt or mud before sealing.

It’s also essential to tape off any areas that shouldn’t be sealed, such as paver steps or garage doors. Likewise, you should tape off the edges of your parking lot so the crew doesn’t accidentally seal your curb or sidewalk.

Finally, it’s essential to add sand to your sealcoat mixture. This material satisfies the “water demand” of the mix and helps it to dry quickly. Without it, the pavement will take much longer to dry and may become brittle over time.

A good sealcoat job will last about three years. To maximize this benefit, it’s important to have your sealcoat applied by a professional who follows industry best practices and will inspect your pavement afterward to ensure the job was done correctly.

Use a Broom Instead of a Squeegee

When you sealcoat your driveway or parking lot, you want to get it as clean as possible before the process begins. Professional contractors will use brooms or blowers to clean the pavement before it’s sealed. This helps to prevent debris from falling on the newly applied seal coat, which can leave an uneven and unappealing appearance.

The broom or blower also helps to clean dirt and debris out of cracks or voids in the pavement. This will help the new seal coat bond with the pavement’s surface and keep it durable. It’s important to note that while cleaning the pavement, you should not try to fill in any of these voids. This is because if you do, the new seal coat can become loose and crumble over time. This can cause the pavement to break down prematurely and reduce the lifespan of the asphalt.

Before you apply a sealcoat, make sure that all vehicles are removed from the area and that it’s completely fenced in with cones or barricades to keep people and cars off of the pavement until it’s dry. You should also close off any sprinklers so that the seal coat won’t get wet. Finally, you should prepare the area by putting down cardboard or tarps to protect the grass, sidewalks, curbs, and flower beds from the sealcoat spray.

Whether you’re using a squeegee or a sprayer to apply the sealcoat, it’s important that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. For example, you should only apply a thin layer and wait 24 hours before driving on the pavement again. You should also allow the sealcoat to cure for another 24 hours before removing the barriers or allowing people to walk on it.

Sealcoating is a cost-effective way to maintain your asphalt and extend its life. It protects the paved surface from oil and chemical spills, slows down the oxidization of the asphalt granules, and shields it from the elements. It also helps to reduce the amount of pressure that is placed on the paved surface, which can cause it to crack and degrade. Performing this maintenance regularly can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for a full paving replacement.

Use a Squeegee to Clean Your Surface

A clean surface is the key to a successful seal coat. If you don’t thoroughly clean the asphalt before applying a sealer, it won’t adhere properly and will likely fail in less than one or two years. It’s important to use the right cleaning products and methods to get your asphalt surfaces ready for a new layer of protection.

In addition to using a high-powered blower or walk-behind vacuum, contractors should also use wire bristle brooms and other specialized tools to scrub stains, loose dirt and debris from the pavement’s surface. The area should be completely cleaned prior to application of the initial tack coat of sealer. A squeegee edge coat should also be applied to create a clean barrier between the old and new asphalt surfaces.

While the squeegee method is ideal for large projects that require the application of a thicker base coat, it can leave pin holes or other slight imperfections in the final result. Spraying a second sealcoat onto the asphalt will fill those small imperfections and provide a more uniform appearance that lasts 40 percent longer than the squeegee technique alone.

As with slathering on sunscreen before hitting the beach, it’s important to reapply your asphalt sealcoat on a regular basis to extend its lifespan and protect it from harmful UV rays. With its smooth, dark appearance, a well-maintained sealcoat looks fresh and clean, giving your business or commercial parking lot a more polished look.

Before a surface is sprayed or squeegeed, the contractor should evaluate the results to make sure that they are what the customer wants. They should test the product in an inconspicuous spot to see how it reacts and whether or not it will achieve the desired look.

The final product should be a minimum of eighteen hours dry before being used again. This time allows for the evaporation of the liquids in the sealer, hardening of the outer surface and curing of the protective layer.

Use a Squeegee to Remove Debris

If you’re a commercial property manager with miles of paved surfaces to maintain or a homeowner who wants your driveway to last, it’s important to invest in quality sealcoating materials and work with a professional asphalt paving contractor. Purchasing low-quality materials at your local big box home improvement store or spending too much valuable time trying to apply these messy substances yourself is not in your best interest.

During a typical seal coating project, the asphalt will be thoroughly cleaned using blowers or brooms. The crew will then spray or use a wide squeegee application to apply the seal coat material to existing rough pavement surfaces. If your asphalt has cracks, the crew will fill these in with a hot rubberized crack filler. Once applied, the crew will squeegee off the excess material.

Sealcoat is usually made up of varying amounts of dissolved asphalt, mineral fillers, and water. It is designed to replenish some of the depleted asphalt oils and binder that are lost over time. This helps the aggregate in your asphalt remain firmly held together, slowing down the deterioration of your paved surface and protecting it from chemical penetration and the elements.

When applying a sealant, it is important to be sure you are spreading a thin layer over your entire surface. Too much sealer can cause the paved surface to begin to oxidize and break down. This can also cause premature cracking and shorten the life of your driveway or parking lot.

It is also very important to not leave any debris behind when squeegeeing off the excess sealant. This debris can cause your finished product to look sloppy and unprofessional. The squeegee can be used to scrape off any small bits of gravel, dirt, or stone that have fallen off during the sealing process.

If you do not have a squeegee, you can rent one from many asphalt supply companies. A squeegee is an excellent tool to have when working with asphalt, and it can be used to clean sidewalks, curbs, fire hydrants, and garage doors. When using a squeegee, be sure to wear safety goggles and a face mask. The fumes from the diluted asphalt can be hazardous.